Joe Raine
Cybersecurity Professional
Joe Raine
Cybersecurity Professional


January 19, 2023 1.4 Given a Scenario Analyse potential indicators associated with network attacks

Definitions Evil Twin Access point which looks like a legitimate access point but is actually maliciousOften copies SSID Rogue Access…

January 15, 2023 Module 1.2 – Given a scenario, analyse potential indicators to determine the type of attack.

Malware A blanker term for software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system….

January 15, 2023 Security+ SYO-601 Content

Hi all, this is a dictionary page! SYO-601 covers a lot of content in a fairly shallow manner. Rather than…

January 15, 2023 Understand the Cyber Kill Chain

Welcome to Day 2. today we’re covering the Cyber Kill Chain. The Cyber Kill Chain is an attack framework is…

January 12, 2023 Threat Intelligence Sources

Notes from Security 601+ – Module 1.5 threat intelligence is an essential tool for cyber security practitioners. While it’s all…

January 12, 2023 A brief summary of the Pyramid of Pain

Hello everyone Welcome to my 1st knowledge post! We’ve adopted kittens this week so it is pretty manic here in…